Sunday 29 December 2019

SLJ W1 D3 - Team Players: Activity 3

For this activity we had to ask a family member what their dream job would be and then come up with 6 ways to help them achieve their dreams.  This was quite a hard task to do but I think I have come up with some ways I can help.

SLJ W1 D3 -Team Players: Activity 2

The basketball player i would most like to interview is Stephen Curry because I think he is one of the best players in the world. Stephen Curry plays for the Golden State Warriors. If I could interview him I would ask him... 

  1. What do you think the most important skills are to be a top basketball player?
  2. Who inspired you to be a basketball player?
  3. Do you think you would be as good a basketball player if you were short?
  4. What do you think you will do when your basketball career is over?
  5. What advice would you give to children who dream of being as successful as you?
I wonder what his answers would be?

SLJ w1 D3 - Team Players: Activity 1

For this activity I had to choose 3 superpowers I could have and what I would do with them. It was tricky choosing as there are many cool super powers.

Sunday 22 December 2019

SLJ W1 D2 - Up in the air: Activity 3 Miracle on the Hudson

Miracle on the Hudson
For this task I watched a you tube clip about Mr Chesley Sullenberger, or “Sully”. He became famous when he landed his aeroplane in the middle of the Hudson river and all 155 people on board survived. He had to make an emergency landing because the engines in his aeroplane lost power.  Sully would have been scared when the engines lost power but he stayed calm, and saved the lives of everyone on board. He was very brave.
In my life I haven't had anything dramatic like this happen to show that I am brave but people can be brave in their own way in their ordinary lives.  In my life some times that I have had to stay calm and be brave are:
  • Starting in a new class each year
  • Competing at the Nationals on my motorbike
  • Going to get my immunisations
  • Trying something new like when I started swimming club
  • Making my speech at the Rotary Speech Competition
  • Taking the OAR when I made a mistake at school and making things right.
All of these things help me to practice being brave so one day if I get in a difficult situation I will know how to be brave like Sully.

SLJ W1 D2 - Up in the Air: Activity 2 One small step for man

Here is my diamante poem describing how I think Neil Armstrong would have felt when he landed on the moon.

SLJ W1 D2 - Up in the Air: Activity 1 Flying solo

In this activity I had to find out what was the same and different about two famous female pilots. The activity was interesting because although I had heard of these pilots before I didn't know much about them.  They both must have been very brave women to do what they did.  I would like to learn to fly one day.

Saturday 21 December 2019

SLJ W1 D1 - Explorers: Activity 3

For this activity we had to choose a charity. I chose the Air Rescue Trust because they fund the rescue helicopter for the West Coast. This is important because then people can live their lives to the fullest and if they get hurt then the helicopter service is there to help.  My uncle was rescued by the helicopter two years ago.

SLJ Week 1 Day 1 - Explorers: Activity 2

Discovering Aotearoa: Where does my family come from? 
My cultural background is Maori and European.  My Maori whanau originate from Lyttleton in Christchurch.  This slide tells a little bit about my marae, Rapaki.

SLJ Week 1 Day 1 - Explorers: Activity 1

Setting Sail
Nainoa Thompson has used the ancient Polynesian way finding skills to navigate around the world. In 2013 him and his crew went across the Pacific Ocean on two large canoes. They used the stars, clouds, currents, sun and the moon to navigate.  This DLO shows what I would take if I went with them.