Tuesday 26 December 2017

Summer Learning Journey Day 3: Activity 1

1 comment:

  1. Hey Nikau!

    I love the slideshow! There are some really well thought out pro's and con's to having a large family. I like that you have also thought about your parents for your answer, that is very sweet of you!
    But I am curious.... what's wrong with minivans?haha do they not go fast enough for you?
    I also agree with you, I think my mum would have found it really tiring having more than 3 kids to look after!
    I was pretty lucky I lived next door to my cousins growing up so I guess its a little bit like having a big family just spread out over two houses :)

    You're doing a great job Nikau! Can't wait to hear from you again soon!
    Ellee :)


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