Friday 27 November 2020

weta house

 For the last three weeks of the term me and a group of friends are going to make a weta hotel. it is made out of plywood. it isn't finished yet but it will be soon. we are hoping that when it is finished the Wetas will climb into the hole and sleep in there. we are going to put it in the garden if we have enough time we will some more.

Friday 23 October 2020

Return of the moa

 This week for reading we have been reading about the moa an ostrich like bird which was very tall. In this activity we had to read the main text, it was about bringing the Moa back from the dead. I found this story interesting because I thought it would never be possible to do this. I hope you enjoy my post thanks bye.\

grandparents day

 Today was grandparents day my Nana and Gran dad came in to school to see how I was going . I showed them round the class room. Then we did a challenge I raced my Nana in basic facts and she was pretty good I only bet her by about 3 seconds. then we made a funny picture of my Nana here it is I hope you enjoy

Friday 28 August 2020

Digital Technology

Last week our teacher Miss Power did an online digital course. She taught some of us how to make some funny pictures. First we went onto unsplash and found a background then we had to take a picture on our chromebooks with different poses. Then we put them together here's mine. Hope you enjoy.

Thursday 18 June 2020

Information Report 2

We also had to write an information report about a place. I chose The Arctic because it is actually just ocean.  There is no land but just ocean that is always covered by ice.  I hope that the Arctic does not melt because this could mean that many of the amazing animals that live there could become extinct!

Information Report Writing

This week we have been writing information reports.  First we had to write one on an animal or an insect.  I chose a dung beetle because they are found everywhere in the world including New Zealand.  I did not know that we had introduced them here in New Zealand.  They are actually quite interesting and useful beetles even if they do eat poo!

Monday 11 May 2020

What Is Buoyancy

This week we are learning about the titanic. One of the tasks was to find out about buoyancy here is what I found. Hope you enjoy