Monday 30 March 2020

Random facts with Nikau - Day 4

So today's facts are all about teeth.  

We all have them and we all use them every day but what do we really know about them.  

Well I know that teeth are a fantastic tool that can be used for lots of different purposes like chomping a juicy steak or opening a tricky chip packet or for chewing fingernails when you are feeling nervous.  Ok, maybe not the best use of teeth but people still do it. I also know that teeth are one of the reasons for constant nagging from my mum.  I wish I had one dollar for every time my mum has told me to clean my teeth in my life. I would be rich!

Anyway it was her nagging today that gave me the idea for today's random facts.  Thanks mum!  Here are my facts...

Sunday 29 March 2020

Random facts with Nikau: Day 3

Today I was playing with my Lego.  I have a lot of Lego, especially when it is tipped out ALL over my bedroom floor!  

Anyway that got me to thinking about how much Lego there would be in the world so off I went on my random fact finding mission for today. 

Find out some random Lego facts here. 
I am not sure how they know that Lego would last for 1300 years in the ocean but that is a really long time and probably not good for the environment. Luckily my Lego is not leaving my bedroom floor anytime soon.  Sorry mum!

Saturday 28 March 2020

Random Facts with Nikau - Day 2

Today's random topic is guinea pigs.  

Here are some interesting facts that you have never needed to know but may find very interesting.  

I know one thing for sure, I will never eat a guinea pig!  

Blog you tomorrow!

Friday 27 March 2020

Random Facts With Nikau Day 1

During these days of Covid-19 quarantine I decided I needed to do something to cure my boredom and entertain my blog viewers. 

At first I didn't know what to do but then a random thought came to my mind and so..... here it is, random facts with Nikau.  

Each day I will choose a random topic, find some random facts and create a random gif to entertain you.  Day 1 = coconuts!

If you have a topic idea that you would like me to explore please comment below.

I hope you enjoy!

Friday 20 March 2020

just to say template poem

for this activity we used a template from the poem just to say and replaced some of the words with some  naughty things we have done. in this poem I have drunk Mum and Dads coke. Hoe you enjoy

Monday 16 March 2020