Saturday, 21 December 2019

SLJ Week 1 Day 1 - Explorers: Activity 1

Setting Sail
Nainoa Thompson has used the ancient Polynesian way finding skills to navigate around the world. In 2013 him and his crew went across the Pacific Ocean on two large canoes. They used the stars, clouds, currents, sun and the moon to navigate.  This DLO shows what I would take if I went with them.


  1. Hi Nikau

    Welcome back to the Summer Learning Journey for this year. It is great to see that you have started the activities. Well done! You have mae a great start with your list of items that you would take on your voyage.
    I can see that you have thought about it. Well done for remembering to take fresh water with you. You would need lots of water to drink but also to cook with.
    It is great that you have added images to your post. Remember to attribute your images, which means to tell us where you got them from. This is something you will have to do when you are at high school doing exams.

    I hope that you have a great Christmas and are enjoying your holidays.

    We look forward to reading more of your blog over the summer. Keep up the great work!

    Until next time

    Allie :)

  2. Hi Nikau

    Remember to also leave some comments on other students blogs. It's worth an extra two points each time you comment!

    Good Luck

    Allie :)


Thank you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.